Bris Golf Sales
From shapes, sizes and prices you will not find a larger variety of gifts, trophies and awards.
There are many items that can be used as the tee favor not just an award. From individual pieces to full sets of barware
Truly one of the iconic brands in golf. You will find the name of CHAMPIONS on Sterling Cut Glass at the finest Clubs in America.
One of the original members of PGA Retirement Plus, Sterling contributes 5% to your retirement account. Along with the affiliation with the retirement program and local PGA Sections, Sterling has long been recognized as the leader in the awards category for golf. Their Customer Service and order execution are lauded for their excellence. As a Professional it is nice when a company gives you a sense of comfort that your order is the most important order of the day, and will be handled as such. Why not deal exclusively with a company that generates that confidence?
Every Club should use Sterling Cut Glass; there are a variety of price points, sizes, materials, and options available to fit almost any event. Your CHAMPIONS are just as important as those at the top events in America, and as such deserve their name on a Sterling Cut Glass product as well.
Below are a few images of products and materials used by Sterling from pewter, silver, and crystal. They have an easy to use website, and under the shop tab the menu includes everything to begin your search for the perfect gift or award. All prices reflected are in retail, and there is even a specially priced tab for closeout items, when cost is the real factor.